NestJS tutorials
NestJS is a react framework for building efficient, scalable, server-side applications. It also provides built in dependency injection out of the box, which I really like the sound of! I plan on learning about this framework and the ansillary frameworks, libraries and modules that surround it. I’m fairly new to front-end development, so I hope this will be useful to people in a similar position. Getting Started First up, read the NestJS intro and overview docs , which shows how to setup the dev environment, how to generate a hello world app, and some of the basics of how things fit together. I often come up with trivial problems to solve when having a go of new frameworks. In this case I wanted to eventually implement these rules: AskQuestion - what's for tea? - get strategy based on person asked - if mike, provide response based on day of the week - if mrs, randomise response between "beans on toast" and "scrambled eggs on toast" - i...